Newmine Blog

Think Differently

When a 5-Star Review Isn't

The best rating is 5-star, indicating a perfect experience. But analysis 5-star reviews can show a lot of negative customer sentiment buried within...

Returns Reduction

The Dollars and Cents of Retail Returns

Retail finance expert Scott Glaser provides practical strategies, insights, and actions that can be taken to fix retail's return problem.


Tech Predictions for 2023

Retail experts weigh in on what the industry can expect in 2023 and beyond.

Returns Reduction

Does Your Organization Need a Returns Champion?

Newmine interviews retail and supply chain expert Rich McMahon to explore why he thinks retailers need to think differently about product returns.

Returns Reduction

Returns - a Zero-Sum Game?

Product returns have catastrophic impacts on retailers. Reverse the trend with this identification and corrective workflow.


Using Technology to Prevent Product Returns

There are a variety of ways in which retailers can optimize their returns management and start strategically preventing returns using technology.

Returns Reduction

Returns: The Retail Sustainability Challenge

Sustainability is becoming a core strategic priority for retailers. Learn how product returns prevention helps retailers minimize environmental...

Perspectives and thought leadership from retail visionaries.

Keep informed on retail industry and product returns insights so you can recover revenue and enhance your customer experience.